Montag, 24. Oktober 2011

Starcraft 2 Season 4

In diesen Stunden öffnet die Season 4 ihre Tore. Ranglisten werden resettet, alte Spiele werden endgültig der Vergangenheit angehören. Tausende von Spielern mit Hummeln im Arsch sitzen gerade auf ihren Stühlen und refreshen sich die Finger wund. Aber schneller gehts deshalb auch nicht. Hier nochmal alle Fakten (auf Englisch), für die, die in der Zeit etwas informatives lesen wollen, bevors losgeht mit dem Dauerzocken ;-)

Q: When will Season 3 lock?
A: October 10th.

Q: When will Season 4 start?
A: October 24th.

Q: How long will the League Lock prior to end of a season last?
A:  ". . .we did plan on allowing you to have a full two weeks to play out your bonus pools, and ideally that's how long lock-out periods will be for seasons going forward." ( )

Q: Will we still be able to unlock portraits during the League Lock?
A: Yes, any wins during the League Lock will still count toward all Achievements.

Q: Will progress toward win-based Achievements be reset with the beginning of Season Four?
A: No. You will keep any current portraits, and any wins after Season 4 will advance your toward further icons.

Q: If I've never played, am I still able play my placement matches during the Lock?
A: "You can play them and will be placed, but won't be able to be promoted from that initial placement league." ( )

Q: Will our MMR (Hidden skill rating) be affected by our games during the lock?
A: Yes. ( )

Q: Will we be able to be promoted again, after Season 4 begins?
A: Yes. ( )

Q: How long will each Season last?
A: "Beginning with season 4, we’re looking for each ladder season to last around 2 months." ( )

Q: Will our bonus pool carry over to the next season?
A: No. Your bonus pool will be erased.

Q: Will we be able to see our past season's record?
A: Yes.

Q: What is the purpose of the 1 placement match at the beginning of Season 4?
A: To weed out inactive players. You should place into the same league you were in before. (Further Explanation:  It will place you based off of your MMR. Since your MMR is affected during the lock that prevents promotion, if you play enough during the lock to bump you up or down you can be placed in a higher\lower league.)

Q: Will I lose all of my points when Season 4 begins?
A: Yes, thats the point of the new season. MMR (Hidden skill rating) will remain the same, however.

Q: Will our win\loss record be removed?
A: Yes, but you'll be able to view your past seasons record if you wish.

Danke geht raus ans

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